Wednesday 1 February 2017

Magnum Advert Evaluation

This is the survey we created in order to get feedback on our advert.
Create your own user feedback survey

Here is the feedback we received from our survey for our advert:

The Brief:
In this assignment we were tasked to re-brand a Unilever product to another target audience, and create a Prezi to pitch the idea to the class. After, we were put into groups and we had to choose one of the ideas to then turn into a real 30 - 90 second TV advert. My group had chosen to re-brand Magnum to men instead of women, who are always shown to be eating the product in all of their adverts. We chose to re-brand Magnum because firstly, everything needed for the proposed advert was at our disposal and we could easily shoot and make that advert. Secondly, props and other things required for the other ideas that my group had were not as easy to obtain, and so we went with creating an advert for the Magnum.

The finished product & feedback:
After shooting and editing the video our group had to produce a survey in order to see if we had managed to succeed in creating an advert for a different target audience, and whether or not the people watching it knew who that target audience was. We produced numerous questions about the advert in general, like whether or not the viewer enjoyed the advert, how old the viewer is, and also asking the viewer if they would consider buying the product after watching the advert.

Our group have received a variety of different opinions towards the advert, some are positive and some are negative. From what most of the negative comments have been saying, I have to agree on the fact that we did not clearly show why I started to run. We definitely need more narrative in the advert. Although I do believe that we did succeed in showing that the new target audience is aimed at working men, as the majority of the viewers who took the survey and also from peer feedback in class, guessed that the target audience was in fact working men. A lot of people also said that they would go and purchase a Magnum after watching the advert, which is always a plus.

When shooting our advert, we had to visit a lot of different locations. We originally planned to have me running through all different kinds of weather conditions. This would have required me to run through a park for the most of the shooting, but when we decided on our final idea, I had to run through a lot more locations than originally planned. In terms of camera use we had a variety of shots taken with and without a tripod. Filming fast paced running scenes without using a tripod gave a great effect. Because most of the scenes are fast paced this means we need to have the camera following whoever is running. For example, above is a tracking shot of me about to run into the store, this means that the person operating the camera will run behind me as I run. These types of shots happen quite frequently throughout the advert as not only do they give a great effect, they also can keep up with the runner. There were a few close up shots during the advert and there were also a few pans as well, as seen below:

The scene is which I am being chased by a dog is a good example of one of our panning shots, although you are not able to properly see the pan as it is only a photo but I run across the screen with the dog chasing me, and in order to capture the movement the camera would have to pan across the park.
In terms of editing we didn't rely heavily on editing in this advert as we did not need many sounds effects apart from music and a few other sounds like a dog bark, shop bell, and the beep from a scanner in the shop. There was no talking in the advert except from the beginning were you can hear the voices clearly, apart from that, there was no need for any speaking.

Effectiveness of content: I believe that we were able to effectively sell our product through our advert as I believe it was engaging because there are moments of comedy in there and from what feedback tells us, more people enjoyed it than not. However I do not believe the people who watched it really understood why I was running, and this was due to poor narrative at the beginning. I believe the persuasive techniques we used definitely helped in persuading people to purchase the product as we had a close up shot of the magnum at the very end showing how delicious it looks, making people want or even crave a magnum.

Clarity of communication: Our message that we were trying to show was that no matter what you are doing, where you are, or how much time you have left, there is always time to stop and get a magnum. We showed this by the main character running to his work because he will be late, but he also stops to buy a magnum in the process. We also intended the product to be aimed at working men in their 30's. We had the main character run from the pub in which he was having his lunch in with his friends, to him run all the way to his work as he was extremely late, but although he knew he was going to be late if he did not hurry up, he still went to the shop to buy himself a magnum, which you see him take a bite out of at the end of the advert. We also tried to show that this product was aimed at working men in their 30's, and what better way to show this than making someone turn up to work. The majority of the feedback our group received on the advert tells us that they knew who the target audience was, which tells us we did a good job of showing that.

Overall I believe that our advert is fit for purpose as it does not break any of the BCAP code's rules, it does not have any kinds of false advertisement either, which is an important issue and can result in serious consequences if broken. BCAP rules:

Personal Reflection: Our original intention was to have me walking down the corridor to hear God speaking to me, telling me that there was a 'Holy' magnum and I was the chosen one to find it. I would then run through lots of different weather and different situations in order to end up at a church in which the magnum was sitting at the door step waiting for me to eat it. The idea was to show that the magnum was for the manly people out there, instead of the stereotypical women you see in all of the adverts that are out at the moment. In our final piece we kept some of the ideas. We did keep the scenes in which I run through different situations but changed the target audience slightly and also the beginning and end.

Self evaluation: I am happy with the way our advert turned out in the end, I do however believe that if we were able to re film the advert, I will definitely add in some sort of narrative as nobody knew why I was running, and although suggesting this before filming, my group did not think it was necessary. I think that if I was more persistent then maybe we would have implemented this in to our final piece. I think I have contributed well in the production of our advert, I was the main character for the advert so I did most of the work when it came to being involved in the advert, I did also contribute to editing the advert as well, putting clips together and gathering all of the sounds that were in the final advert.

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10 min short pre production

For the storyboards, I am responsible for pages: 1.1, 2.2, and 3.3.