Saturday 28 October 2017

10 minute short ideas.

1: Back in high school it was a very windy day and my friend and I were walking down to the canteen to get a drink and my friend was drinking a Capri Sun. He began to tease me as I was incredibly thirsty and I hadn't got a drink but he did. Then the wind took his Capri Sun right from his hand and he chased it all the down the playground. For this idea I am going to make it so he goes on a incredible journey to retrieve this lost Capri Sun.

Name: Trials of the Capri Sun.

2: On the news people have got to countries such as Syria to help out but have been unfortunately kidnapped. My idea is that a medical worker has gone to assist troops out in a war-torn country, and on the way to the military camp is then taken. Special forces then have to go and find this medical worker to save him/her.

Name: Stolen

3: My final idea is going to be based off the TV show called 'The Office'. It is going to be about a boy who wants to ask out this girl he really likes. During this time he has to ask out the girl on a date. He will be filmed along with his other weird class mates during his day at college.

Name: The College.

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10 min short pre production

For the storyboards, I am responsible for pages: 1.1, 2.2, and 3.3.