Thursday 11 January 2018

Understanding the requirements of working to a brief.

A brief/project is a strict set of guidelines that someone has to follow. They are instructions given to a person for them to complete. Being commissioned is to be hired by someone or some company to work for them, or to write for them. You may or may not be payed to do so. In regards to the media, the term 'Tender' means that you are trying to get people to hire you so you can work for them. You could also respond to a brief by entering into a competition, they always require strict guidelines and requirements. There are many different kinds of briefs, one of which is: Competitions. Here is a brief for the E-Sting competition.

When reading the ESting animation brief, there were certain things that I had to do and had to add in my ESting. Things that were required to be included are: It had to be stop-motion animation, it had to be ten seconds long, the ESting must use soundtracks that have been provided to us, and the E4 logo must be included in the ESting animation somewhere. In order to meet these requirements, we had to do very specific things, for example. In order to reach ten seconds, we had I had to take 120 pictures. In order to make it stop-motion, I had to take a photo of my self, then move ever so slightly to the next position, and then take another photo, I did have help because I was the actor in my video and I could not have taken the photos and act at the same time. In the brief (Picture above) it states that you must use the soundtracks that have been provided for us. There were many different soundtracks to choose from and they were provided to us by the college files.Finally, the E4 logo had to be in the animation, we were only allowed to use the logo in this video only. I used the logo at the end of my ESting.

Because this is assessed work and there are strict guidelines for the E4 ESting competition, nobody was able to negotiate the brief. Although we did have the choice of what we were to put into the videos. In the media industry when you are negotiating a brief, you will need to make sure that you have the same sort of ideas as the person you are negotiating with, this is so you do not have further problems in the future. You may encounter many different constraints when responding to a brief such as budget problems and having trouble finding actors. Those were not a problem for me but I did have one problem in which I had trouble with editing and this set me back a few hours. I did make changes to my final project because it was not fully completed and I had to complete my editing. I added an explosion to my video to make it more appealing and interesting to the audience. Sometimes people cannot come to negotiate a brief and people will leave projects due to differences such as people not having the same ideas or there may be some kind of feud between people in the work place. So actors, writers, directors and other members of these projects could potentially leave, and most of the time they will try to get their names removed from the projects as well. People who have left a project because of differences are directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord, from the upcoming Han Solo movie. They left the project mid development due to creative differences and they could never agree and what would work and what wouldn't. "Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are talented film-makers who have assembled an incredible cast and crew, but it's become clear that we had different creative visions on this film, and we've decided to part ways." - Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm president. 

People usually respond to a brief for many things but brief are most popular among competitions, they will get work and experience for doing these and even if they so happen to win, they maybe even get noticed within the media industry. I have found out that filming stop-motion animation is harder that I originally thought and it requires a lot of patience. I learned how to edit a bit better and I have also learned how to create stop-motion animations properly. I did have to multi-skill because I had to film, act and direct the video. Because I worked mostly independently during this project I made most of the contributions to the brief, everything that you see in the final product was my idea and filmed by me. In the media industry if you get a lot of recognition, you are more likely to be someone who other producers and directors will want to work with. For example, in the media industry, Actor Samuel L. Jackson and director and writer Quentin Tarantino have worked together for 20 years over 5 films. Their first film they worked on together was Pulp Fiction, which is what Samuel L. Jackson is perhaps best known for.

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10 min short pre production

For the storyboards, I am responsible for pages: 1.1, 2.2, and 3.3.