Thursday 19 October 2017

Research and Planning: E4 and the Brief.

Paragraph 1:

 E4 is a television channel that is owned by 'Channel Four Television Corporation'. E4 was launched for the first time on the 18th of January, 2001. E4 has a number of different shows that are aired every day. Some of the most popular shows include: The Big Bang Theory, The Inbetweeners, How I met your mother, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and New Girl.

The primary target audience for E4 is 16 to 24. This is because the channel features a lot of high quality dramas, and comedies which have more of an appeal to the nations 16 to 24 year olds.
The secondary target audience for E4 would be people in the classes: Such as people in the classes C2 and DE.
Paragraph 2: 

An E Sting is a competition for animators to have their work published on the TV. It gives them a chance to show off their work and to inspire others to animate too. An E Sting is a television channel ident (Identity).
Content - This E Sting is about depressed dinosaur who turns into a party monster.
Audience - The target audience for this E Sting would be younger audiences.
Genre - Comedy

Content - Animated octopus playing Whack-a-shark and then a bigger shark smacks the octopus with an E4 stick.
Audience - Younger audiences because this is more on the comedic side.
Genre - Comedy

Content - Sheep are grazing on a field and then they get sucked up into the ground and spat out into the E4 symbol.
Audience - Another comedic E Sting so this would be aimed to the younger audiences.
Genre - Comedy

Paragraph 3:

For the Battle of BURGENDY we were tasked to create an animation that was totally made up of inanimate objects. The task was called Inanimate? Let's animate! and we had to always have 2 or more objects being animated at the same time all on one screen. For the Human figure animation was a test to see how much we knew about animations, and to see how much we could accomplish in a short amount of time. In terms of the three animation gadgets, we had to create 3 little animations that fit into each of the gadget. The task was to make these for a post on the history of animation.
There was one more post that we were tasked to create and that was a LEGO stop-motion animation. And we had to animate the mouth of one of the characters to say "Lego of me". Unfortunately my group lost footage and did not have enough time to remake the animation, and as a result of this we did not have the final piece of work. Below is an example of someone else's work in our class (made by Livvy and Lawrence) and this is what it would have looked like.

Paragraph 4:

For my final assessed animation I have decided I am going to use Lego stop-motion animation, but also I am going to change my idea slightly and also add in a bit of human figure stop-motion as well so it make things a little more unique and interesting. I came to this decision because I originally had decided to just make it out of Lego only, but I didn't think it would be very interesting as there are lots of E Stings that's have been made purely with Lego before, so the combination of Lego and Human stop-motion animation will make things far more unique.

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10 min short pre production

For the storyboards, I am responsible for pages: 1.1, 2.2, and 3.3.